TFSC Awards

View the 2024 Teaching Awards Program


Rocking chair picture

Wallly Cordes Chair: Conversations with Colleagues

The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) established the "Wally Cordes Chair" to honor its co-founder and first co-director and to celebrate an inspiring teacher and his wonderful career. Wally Cordes was a faculty member in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry for more than 30 years. He was regarded by many as simply one of the very best teachers on campus. He had a unique style and an enthusiasm that was contagious. Wally Cordes taught large-enrollment chemistry courses, but despite the large number of students he taught each semester, he invited every student to his office each semester to spend five minutes in his rocking chair to meet their professor. 

Through Conversations with Colleagues, the Wally Cordes TFSC continues the tradition of informal conversations meant to cultivate a community united in learning by honoring a different teaching faculty member on campus each month as the Wally Cordes Chairperson. The Wally Cordes Chairperson possesses the Wally Cordes rocking chair and hosts an informal conversation about teaching and learning. Thus, the "chair" travels the campus but consistently brings together those dedicated to helping each other improve student success at the University of Arkansas. Notifications of the Wally Cordes Chair events around campus are sent to all faculty prior to each monthly program.  

See a list of award winners


Award for service

The Ro Di Brezzo Service to Teaching Award

The codirectors award a faculty member who provided substantial service to teaching. Dr. Ro Di Brezzo is a co-founder of the  Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and has served as a co-director from 1992 to 1997.


Paul Cronan Aeard

The Paul Cronan Technology Teaching Excellence Award

 Nominations will be taken for faculty members who have excelled in using technology to enhance their teaching.  Dr. Paul Cronan is a  co-founder of the  Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center and has also served as co-director in 1992-1994 and 2011-2014.  

Watch for the call for nominations circulated on the faculty listserv and in the  UA News. 




The New Faculty Commendation for Teaching Commitment 

New Faculty, defined as those with two years of service or less at the U of A, will be eligible each year for this commendation. Commendations will be presented based upon participation in New Faculty events sponsored by the Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) or events supported by the TFSC and sponsored by the U of A Teaching Academy, Provost’s office, or TIPS. New faculty should keep track of the events they attend. In order to earn the commendation, faculty need to accumulate the necessary points and write a one page reflection of ‘what was learned’.  Events attended, points earned, and the one page reflection can be submitted at any time, but are due to later than August 15th,  to .

Points will be earned as follows:

1. Attending the New Faculty Orientation (for first year faculty only)- 25 points

2. Attending the TFSC New Faculty Lunch discussions -10 points each

3. Attending the U of A Summer Teaching Camp - 40 points

4. Participating in other TFSC sponsored or supported events - 10 points each

(Baum Workshop, Winter Teaching Symposium, TIPS Teaching Lunches, Cordes Chair Events).  Note:  The Bridge Program events are not co-sponsored by the TFSC and do not count towards the commendation because they offer their own award recognition.

Event points for the year begin with New Faculty Orientation and end with Teaching Camp.  Points do not carry forward to future years.

First year faculty with 105 points or higher will be awarded the New Faculty Commendation for Teaching Commitment.

Second year faculty with 90 points or higher will be awarded the New Faculty Commendation for Teaching Commitment.

The commendation will be signed by the U of A Provost.

All commendations will be presented at the annual Faculty Teaching Awards Reception in September.


“Not So New” Faculty Commendation For Teaching Development


Faculty with more than two years of service at the U of A will be eligible. Commendations will be presented based upon participation in and reflection of activities to improve teaching and learning. The commendation will be framed and signed by U of A Provost, and will be presented to all recipients at the annual Faculty Teaching Awards Reception. Faculty events and programs sponsored by the Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center or events sponsored by the U of A Teaching Academy to improve teaching and learning and student success are emphasized.

Self-evaluation incorporates many components and opportunities for learning, feedback, reflection, and adjustment. By participating in multiple types of activities related to teaching and reviewing how those activities inform teaching and learning in a faculty member’s own practice, one can improve his or her teaching for the end goal of improving student learning and success. Thus, this commendation has been developed to recognize and celebrate the faculty who take the time and effort to be introspective and actively transform their teaching for improved student learning.

1. Faculty must teach at least two U of A classes each academic year (July 1st through June 30th).

2. Faculty must participate in enough events to accumulate 100 points for the academic year.

3. Faculty who wish to be considered are required to submit a Professional Development Reflection packet to the TFSC by June 30th to include the following:

a. Teaching philosophy

b. A list of all events/activities attended (including date of event and title) and points accumulated for each

c. A written reflection on how events/activities have impacted your teaching philosophy or pedagogical approaches. What outcomes have you observed in student learning and success? What new or innovative changes have you made in the classroom?


Criteria for Possible Points:

1. Attending TFSC sponsored teaching programs (Faculty Lunches, Wally Cordes Chair, TIPS Teaching Lunch) -10 pts. each

2. Attending ½-day workshops (Baum Workshop, Winter Teaching Symposium) - 20 pts. each

3. Attending the U of A Summer Teaching Camp - 20 pts.

4. Presenting at TFSC sponsored or co-sponsored teaching programs (Faculty Lunches, Teaching Camp, Winter Teaching Symposium, TIPS workshops, Cordes Chair Events, Winter Teaching Symposium)-- 20 pts. each

5. Submitting a TFSC Teaching Grant proposal -10 pts. (Limit of one)

6. Peer classroom observation (observed or observer)-10 pts. (Limit of one)

7. Non-TFSC affiliated professional development activity= 20 pts. (Limit of one)

(e.g., scholarship of teaching publication or presentation, leading a teaching seminar, leading a workshop)


The commendation will be signed by the U of A Provost.

All commendations will be presented at the annual Faculty Teaching Awards Reception in September.


Other Teaching Awards on Campus


Departmental Teaching Award

Awarded annually to the department or academic unit on campus that best displays excellence in teaching. This department will receive $10,000 and a trophy, as well as having the unit name placed on a university plaque housed in that department for a year. 



Teaching Academy Teaching Award

      •  Dr. John and Lois Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching and Student Mentorship

The purpose of the Academy is to promote and recognize effective teaching and learning at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville.  It is different from the Teaching Center however we work with them to co-sponsors programs such as the Teaching Awards Banquet. Membership is by nomination and vote and members are considered "Fellows" of the Academy . For more on the Teaching Academy, check out their Constitution.  

Office of the Provost Teaching Awards

The Charles and Nadine Baum Foundation is supporting an award for the recognition of Outstanding Teaching. This award is designated for a faculty member whose status is Full, University, or Distinguished Professor.

Alumni Association Rising Teacher Award


Service Learning Teaching Award

Graduate School Teaching Award 

Student Affairs Faculty Award


Other UA Faculty Awards


Advising Awards 


Committment to International Education 


Teaching Awards Off Campus

(These are non-discipline specific)



Robert Foster Cherrry Award for Great Teaching 

    • The Cherry Award program is designed to honor great teachers, to stimulate discussion in the academy about the value of teaching, and to encourage departments and institutions to value their own great teachers. The recipient of the Cherry Award will receive a prize of $250,000 and will teach in residence at Baylor University during an upcoming semester.


Delphi Award. For improving working conditions for adjunct faculty.

    • We seek applications from a wide range of groups at multiple levels who have made changes to support contingent, non-tenure-track and/or adjunct faculty.  Applicants are not limited to colleges or universities, but we do require that applicants show they are connected to and having an impact on colleges or universities, given that colleges and universities are the primary contexts wherein contingent, non-tenure-track and adjunct faculty do their work,