New Ways to Challenge Yourself as a Teacher

Try Something New


Create a Study Abroad  Program

The study abroad office will help you create a custom study abroad program.

Attend a Faculty Development Seminar Abroad

There are several opportunities for faculty to learn how to take students abroad. These programs often involve the faculty member going to another country and taking classes on location about how to engage students in meaningful ways. 

Create a Free Textbook Using Open Education Resource

Create a free textbook for your students or adopt an OER book for your course.                                                  

Open Educational Resources (OER) promote the use of textbooks and other materials for free or at a minimal charge. By collaborating to create high-quality shared texts, the academic community can dramatically lower the cost of textbooks and class materials for the students they teach.            

Design a Service Learning Program

Create a service learning course or add it as an option to an existing course. Service learning is a credit-bearing, faculty-directed, teaching-learning experience that is course specific. It strengthens academic content knowledge and sense of civic responsibility. Students build critical thinking skills as they engage in experiential, community-based activities that are aligned with and integral to academic course work. At the same time, the community (real people in real situations) benefits from assistance that would otherwise not be available.

Teach a Class for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Share your knowledge and experience with an audience that is hungry for learning and lively discussion. Current and retired university faculty share their knowledge on a wide variety of topics. The OLLI Curriculum Committee is seeking knowledgeable, passionate, and engaging individuals to offer classes.

Create a Class for Global Campus

The Global Campus supports academic colleges and schools in the development of new online and distance education offerings from the University of Arkansas. They will work with you to develop goals and objectives for expanding and enhancing online and distance education offerings.

Volunteer at the Jane B. Gearhart Full Circle Food Pantry


Serve on Faculty Senate  

The Faculty Senate exercises the general legislative powers of the faculty and has sole jurisdiction over admission requirements; transfer of credits; withdrawals; academic honesty; scholastic probation, suspension and dismissal; curriculum and courses; degrees and degree requirements; awarding of academic honors; and recommendations to the board of trustees for honorary degrees.

The faculty may also make recommendations on any institutional matter of faculty concern such as: policies regarding faculty status, including appointments, promotions, granting of tenure, retirement, nonreappointment, and dismissal; policies affecting the general welfare, working conditions, and the services performed by and for the faculty; and policies relating to academic and professional research and other scholarly and creative activities.


Be an advisor for the Teaching and Faculty Support Center by serving on Teaching Council

 Mentor Students or Other Faculty

Mentoring  graduate students program
Mentor Peers as part of a peer mentoring circle ($1,000 stipend available for being a facilitator)

Suggest a Program for Teaching Camp or Lunch and Learn

Email our office to suggest a program that you would like to offer or one that you would like us to develop.