Promoting Learning, Teaching, Community & Advocacy for University of Arkansas Faculty
Teaching Grants
We fund grants for teaching and can tell you other places to look for money for teaching support.
Teaching Awards
We offer teaching commendations and can tell you about applying for teaching awards on campus.
Advanced Teaching Resources
We offer resources for teachers who are ready to move beyond the basics.
Learning and Enrichment Programs
We offer programs for faculty to promote teaching, learning, and community.
New Faculty Resources
We have resources for new faculty to get aquainted with teaching and the university.
Peer Observation of Teaching
We train peer observers and keep a list of those who can observe your class.
Teaching with Technology
We want to find the resources you need when using technology in the classroom.
Memberships & Journals
We offer free membership to the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity and a free journal subscription.
Teaching Conferences
We share information about teaching and learning conferences and travel grants.
Upcoming Events
February 2025
New Faculty Lunch Meeting
4th and 5thPast Co-Directors Meeting
7th February Cordes Chair
10th Blackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
10th TIPS Workshop Lunch
17th No-So-New Faculty Lunch Meeting
20th and 21st Blackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
24thMarch 2025
Blackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
3rdNew Faculty Lunch Meeting
4th and 5thBlackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
10thNon Tenure Track Lunch
13th and 14thTIPS Workshop Lunch
17thCordes Chair
18thApril 2025
Blackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
7thNew Faculty Lunch
8th and 9thCordes Chair
17thTIPS Workshop Lunch
21stNot-So-New Faculty Lunch
24th and 25thBlackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
28thMay 2025
Blackboard Ultra Session (TIPS)
The Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center (TFSC) at the University of Arkansas was established in 1992 to assist the faculty with their scholarship of teaching and to act as a resource center for new teaching techniques and programs.
Representing a part of the university's commitment to excellence in teaching, the TFSC provides a central facility to assist departments, faculty, and teaching assistants in the continued improvement of learning and teaching.
Get the peer support you need to enhance teaching strategies that support student learning. We are committed to enhancing opportunities to develop and promote effective teaching and learning.
Wally Cordes Teaching and Faculty Support Center
Student Success Center Third Floor
470 N. Campus Drive, CORD 318
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701
Phone: 479-575-3222
Fax: 479-575-7086